Friday, July 8, 2011

Learning a wall

We mix cement and lay stone for today. The stone will lie for eternity or until humanity tears it down. Our work could be done much quicker if we built by today's methods. The structure would not be built to last. In a society of quick results, efficiency, and time saving devices we build to these standards and reap the rewards; little houses made out of ticky-tacky. I can lay a stone, I did not start with this skill, but am slowly learning.

I am not entirely sure what motivates me to rise every morning and do something that no one is forcing me to do. Jim says it may be the house, I like the look of my labors at the end of the day. I know of no other twenty-two year old hand mixing cement, learning the skill of building a stone wall, and in the position to be a part of so much more. Maybe I am not looking hard enough. Maybe I am in the wrong period of history. If someone needs something done, they look for a power tool to do it. Something to be done, I ask my hands and my feet. Beyond my capacity, a machine is of last resort. Will I forever hold true to this method, only time will tell. Like the stones I laid, we have eternity or until humanity tears us down.

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